What should I do with an IRS letter 12C?
June, 24 2015 by Dave Du Val, EA
Hey Dave,
I’m not even sure if this is an audit, but I thought you might be able to help me. I received a 1095-A form for health insurance info from the Vermont Health Insurance Exchange/Marketplace after I had already filed my taxes. I now have received a letter from the IRS saying I’m required to reconcile the “advance payment amount” on my tax return. The letter says I have to fill out a Form 8962 and send it in with a copy of my 1095-A. Could you please help me understand this?
Many taxpayers are receiving IRS Letter 12C this year due to the confusion surrounding the new health care tax provisions. The reason you received the letter is that, during 2014, you or a dependent benefited from an advanced Premium Tax Credit, and now the IRS wants to you to reconcile the amount you received with the amount you are actually entitled to based on the calculation they use to determine eligibility. The Premium Tax Credit is, in essence, a subsidy that enables taxpayers at certain income levels to afford to purchase the required level of health insurance coverage.
This letter is not a notification of an audit but rather a tax preparation issue, as you submitted your tax return to the IRS without all of the required forms. Filing the requested forms should be all you need to do, though keep in mind that your tax liability might change as a result.
Deductibly Yours,