
Understanding IRS Notice CP503

November, 23 2022 by Airam Leon, CTEC
Woman Reading Letter

Why did I receive a CP503?

The reason taxpayers receive a CP503 from the IRS is because they have an unpaid tax debt. This is the second notice the IRS sends to remind taxpayers that they still have an outstanding balance due. Based on IRS records, the previous notice went unanswered, and they do not believe they have received any payment; therefore, they are issuing a follow-up bill.


What should I do if the notice is correct?

The first page of the notice will show you the billing summary. Here, they will break down the amount you owe and any additional penalties or interest that have accumulated since the last notice was sent. It will also give you the due date by which you need to respond or pay. The bottom portion of the first page is a payment stub you can use if you would like to mail in your payment. Pay close attention to the instructions and the address provided. This will ensure your payment is applied appropriately.

Page 2 of the notice will give you information about what to do next. You can agree to the notice and pay the amount due by the due date listed, or you can contact the agency and speak to a representative.

You have a couple options to make your payment:


  • Make your payment online at IRS.gov/payments.
  • Mail in your payment using the bottom part of the notice and the envelope included.
  • Apply for a payment plan online at IRS.gov or by mailing in an Installment Agreement Request (Form 9465) to the IRS.
  • Make an offer in compromise, if eligible.

What if I don’t agree with the notice?

If you do not agree with the amount due, if you previously paid your balance due, or if you have already set up a payment arrangement, you need to contact the IRS immediately to discuss the matter with a customer service representative. You will find the toll-free number listed in the notice on page 2. Have your account information and the notice available to provide the necessary information to the IRS agent. Your account information can be found in the top right corner of the first page of your notice. It includes your social security number and tax year in with a balance as well as your Caller ID number.


What if I need help?

If you find yourself in a situation where you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or simply need to have a conversation about your tax debt, TaxAudit’s Tax Debt Relief service can offer help, starting with a free, no-obligation session to answer your general tax debt questions.

Most people who owe money to the IRS qualify for some type of debt relief. While every tax debt case is unique, TaxAudit’s 30+ years of experience will ensure your tax professional helps you find the best solution for paying your IRS tax debt.

Before we wrap up, remember that it is important not to ignore this notice. If the IRS does not hear from you or receive payment by the due date, you can incur additional penalties and interest charges. The IRS may also file a Notice of Federal Tax Lien, which generally attaches to all property you currently own or might acquire. Since a Notice of Federal Tax Lien is a public record, it can affect your credit and make it difficult to get a loan or credit card in the future.

Do you owe money to the IRS or State?

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