My husband is incarcerated. What should my tax filing status be?
April, 14 2020 by David E. Du Val, EA
I am married. Neither my husband nor myself have filed taxes in the last 3 years. I do have w2s for the past 2 years to file, he does not. I'm not sure how I should file? He is also now incarcerated, though I do have power of attorney.
First, please accept our condolences for the misfortunes that have hit your home.
But in answer to your question about filing status, if you do not have a Qualifying Child (rules apply), your only two choices are filing Married Filing Jointly (MFJ) or Married Filing Separate (MFS). Generally, MFJ is more beneficial as some items and deductions are not allowed if you file MFS. However, you can use tax software to compare the two filing statuses to see which is more beneficial. As a side note, please remember that each W-2(s) has to be filed for the year the income was received.
Deductibly Yours,