
IRS Audit Letter 566-S - Sample 1

This sample IRS tax audit notice was sent to one our members. IRS Letter 566-S informs the taxpayer his or her tax return is under audit and a response is needed to support the items claimed on the tax return.

This particular letter also enclosed Form 886-H-EIC (Documents You Need to Send to Claim the Earned Income Credit on the Basis of a Qualifying Child or Children for Tax Year 2017), Form 886-H-HOH (Supporting Documents to Prove Head of Household Filing Status), Form 886-H-DEP (Supporting Documents for Dependency Exemptions), and Form 886-H-AOC (Supporting Documents to Prove American Opportunity Credit).

Personal information has been redacted to protect our member’s privacy.

IRS Audit Letter 566-S - Sample 1 IRS Audit Letter 566-S - Sample 1 IRS Audit Letter 566-S - Sample 1 IRS Audit Letter 566-S - Sample 1 IRS Audit Letter 566-S - Sample 1 IRS Audit Letter 566-S - Sample 1 IRS Audit Letter 566-S - Sample 1 IRS Audit Letter 566-S - Sample 1