
IRS Audit Letter 566(CG) - Sample 2

This sample IRS tax audit notice was sent to one our members in Houston, Texas (TX). IRS Letter 566(CG) and Catalog Number 27225H requests additional information to substantiate claims on our member’s 1040 tax return. Specifically, this notice deals with Schedule C Travel, Meals & Entertainment, Expenses, Legal & Prof, and Other Expenses. This IRS notice also includes Form 866-A (Explanation of Items) and 11652 (Questionnaire and Supporting Documentation).

Personal information has been redacted to protect our member’s privacy.

IRS Audit Letter 566(CG) - Sample 2 IRS Audit Letter 566(CG) - Sample 2 IRS Audit Letter 566(CG) - Sample 2 IRS Audit Letter 566(CG) - Sample 2 IRS Audit Letter 566(CG) - Sample 2